
A list of recommended MOSS Service Accounts

Account TypePurposeAccount Name
MOSS Farm AccountServer Farm Account. This account needs some SQL permissions granting: dbcreator and security admin (do not grant this account SA!). If using ADACM this is the account used for creating objects in the OU specified - so you’ll need to delegate permissions on the OU to this user.svcMOSSFarm1
MOSS App PoolIdentity for the any MOSS Web App Application Pool(s). A separate process identity should be used for each content Web App (this allows for greater security and auditing). Using the site name in the naming is not advisable as although this may make troubleshooting and auditing easier it reduces security by showing the relationship between App Pools and Web Apps.svcMOSSAppPool1
SSP Service AccountSSP service accountsvcMOSSSSP1
SSP App PoolIdentity for the SSP Web App Application PoolsvcMOSSSSPAppPool1
MOSS SearchAccount under which the Office SharePoint Server Search runs under.svcMOSSSearch1
MOSS Content AccessAccount used to access content sources to be crawled and indexed. Need to grant this account permission to any NON-MOSS content sources (e.g. NTFS file share, Exchange public folder, websites etc…)Separate accounts may be configured for access to specific content sources using crawl rules.svcMOSSCrawl1
User profile & Properties Access AccountAccount used to access Active Directory for the Profile importsvcMOSSDSA1
WSS SearchAccount which the Windows SharePoint Services Search service runs under. Due to the fact the Office SharePoint Server Search service is running this will only index the WSS Help files.svcMOSSWSSSearch1
WSS Content AccessAccount used by WSS search service to crawl content.svcMOSSWSSCrawl1
MOSS Install AccountAccount used to install MOSS and perform all the required configuration changes.As this account will be used to install and configure the SharePoint servers it must be granted local admin on all farms members and have permissions to the SQL instance.This account can be disabled after installation and configuration is complete (it is not advised to delete it).svcMOSSInstall1
SQL ServicesUsed to run MS SQL ServicessvcSQLSVC1

This list is copied from Matt Grove, thanks Matt.

To make the creation of these accounts easy, I have created a VBS script that does the job.

Option Explicit
' =====================================================
' Author:        Magnus Johansson
' Create date:   12.08.2009
' Description:   Creates services acounts for the MOSS VPC
' File Name:     CreateMOSSServiceAccounts.vbs
' =====================================================
Dim strComputer
' Set the local computer name
strComputer = "."
' Run the Load method
Sub Load()
Dim strPassword
strPassword = "Pa$$word"
' Create the service accounts
CreateUser "svcMOSSFarm1", strPassword, "MOSS Farm Account"
CreateUser "svcMOSSAppPool1", strPassword, "MOSS App Pool 1"
CreateUser "svcMOSSAppPool2", strPassword, "MOSS App Pool 2"
CreateUser "svcMOSSAppPool3", strPassword, "MOSS App Pool 3"
CreateUser "svcMOSSSSP1", strPassword, "MOSS SSP Service Account"
CreateUser "svcMOSSSSPAppPool1", strPassword, "MOSS SSP App Pool"
CreateUser "svcMOSSSearch1", strPassword, "MOSS Search"
CreateUser "svcMOSSCrawl1", strPassword, "MOSS Content Access"
CreateUser "svcMOSSDSA1", strPassword, "User profile & Properties Access Account"
CreateUser "svcMOSSWSSSearch1", strPassword, "WSS Search"
CreateUser "svcMOSSWSSCrawl1", strPassword, "WSS Content Access"
CreateUser "svcMOSSInstall1", strPassword, "MOSS Install Account"
CreateUser "svcSQLSVC1", strPassword, "SQL Services SQL Server"
CreateUser "svcSQLRS1", strPassword, "SQL Services SQL Reporting Services"
CreateUser "svcSQLAS1", strPassword, "SQL Services SQL Analysis Services"
MsgBox "Complete!"
End Sub
' Create the local user
Sub CreateUser(userName, password, description)
Dim objComputer
Dim objUser
' Check to see if the user exists; if so, then skip
If NOT CheckIfUserExists(userName) Then
Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "")
Set objUser = objComputer.Create("user", userName)
objUser.SetPassword password
objUser.FullName = userName
objUser.Description = description
objUser.Put "UserFlags", 65600 ' Sets Password Never Expires to TRUE
' and sets User Can't Change Password to TRUE
MsgBox userName & " already exists!"
End If
End Sub
' Check to see if user exists
Function CheckIfUserExists(userName)
Dim objComputer
Dim intFound
Dim User
Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "")
objComputer.Filter = Array("user")
intFound = 0
For Each User In objComputer
If lcase(User.Name) = lcase(userName) Then
intFound = 1
End If
If intFound = 1 Then
CheckIfUserExists = True
CheckIfUserExists = False
End If
End Function

Then, follow a guide to install a complete MOSS setup.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.